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But instead of creating a virtual machine that runs the full version of Windows, Wine inserts a kind of 'compatibility layer' between individual Windows apps and the Mac operating system.File types | Find file converter | Software | Articles | FAQs | Privacy policy | About us | RSS "Wine is another open-source program that can be used to run Windows apps on your Mac. I have no recommendations on the software you will have to do your own research unless someone else has more information
The idea is pretty similar to the generic PS2 widescreen patching (like the mathematics used) and it's the best that can be done for now if you have no assembly code knowledge.
AFAIK you can look into finding the virtual machine software I was talking about and that should allow you to run ppf-o-matic and patch it that way (technically you could even use that to run any windows software including the emulator). PS1 games in general are harder to patch compared to PS2 games, or better said, there is a less universal way of patching games. Sorry this is as far as I can help you here. For the time being, I suggest Lion users patch any ISOs they need to using PPF-O-matic on Windows or an older version of OS X if they can. While ISOs patched with PPF-O-matic work fine in the emulator, PCSXR refuses to load any ISOs patched with MultiPatch. It seems like MultiPatch doesn't work too well. Lion users should take a look at MultiPatch for their PPF patching needs.Įdit: Never mind. If PPF-o-matic requires Rosetta, it will not work in Lion since Rosetta support has been completely dropped in Lion. *Edit* it's in the link i posted in my last post. Quote from: from elric(doesn't mean it won't work, just means Jot5 doesn't like it)Īnd a quick search would confirm you have the newest version of pcsx-r Something does not work as expected Find out what you. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. Playstation Patch File Version 3.0 - PPF 1.0 & 2.0 - 696 KB - PDX: Playstation Patch File Version 2.0 - PPF 1.0 & 2.0 - 183 KB - PDX: ApplyPPF v2.0 C-Sourcecode.
I'll look it up againĪnother note, don't be confident that your iso is good just because it plays A PPF Patch Engine is a tool which is able to create. If you have time hang out for a minute.I remember seeing a problem with the patcher you are using. I don't know much about VM but I'm sure there is a ton of information out there on which ones to use. Run a Virtual Machine software that can run windows files and just do the setup we use for windows. If nothing is working there is still option 2. If you get the original working and it still won't play the patched file it's probably the patching program. If it still doesn't work then it's most likely a problem with the emulator. Since the original file won't run in PCSX-R at all I'd just start from scratch here and get the iso from a different source. Patching program (which seems to be a common problem for mac.read comments in tutorial above) Not current version of PCSX-R, which should all run fine on mac if I remember correctly ( Or other emulator problems, which you will be better off troubleshooting on a emulator site )ģ. Get it from a different source and try againĢ. If you are following the steps on this it could be 3 problems.ġ. (there is also a lot more information if you search through the forums) Et en dessous cliquez sur la disquette a droite du champ de saisie du nom de. En haut cliquez sur la disquette a droite du champ de saisie du nom de fichier et allez chercher l'emplacement de l'images ISO que vous voulez patcher. Matter a fact after a quick search in the forums I found a tutorial for emulation on mac Dcompressez le et lancez ppf-o-matic3.exe en double cliquant dessus. I'm not real familiar with mac but there are still 2 options I can think of. Hmm don't give up yet I have a couple of suggestions.